Wednesday, June 18, 2014

3rd Company Experiencing 7th - Its a Tough Universe!

Captain Fabian and Chief Librarian Tigurius leaned forward towards each other, the tactical table between them.  Their faces were grim as they considered the facts before them.  Ever since being assigned to the Halo Stars region of space, all news was grim.  Overall, they remained optimistic.  Grimly optimistic. 

Yep, 7th edition is here and 3rd Company (and their support - the 555th Cadian Regiment), are adapting to the challenge.

3rd Company had been in a mere two game in 7th - way less than I'd hoped, but I'm trying to catch up with as many as 4 games coming in the next two weeks.  Maybe more if I'm lucky.  Right now, time is at a premium.

My first 7th Edition Game was at 1500 Points, my opponent brought a Knight and such. We beat ourselves to a pulp and at the end the game was a draw.  In this game I tried to kill of a Knight, and of course came up short.  I thought about the list and renewed on my education against the new "Super heavies" out there. I think we had played one of the "local" missions from Creative Twilight.

10 Days later we went at it again.  This time for points in a "State 40K League".  We got together on a Saturday morning.  It ended up as one of the longest 40K games I'd played in a while, caused by 7 turns and having to look up all sorts of rules changes.  But 3rd Company got the win, even though it was a very difficult time of it. My opponent got his first loss in the League.  This time we'd rolled up on the Eternal War missions - and randomly got the RELIC mission.  I think the final score was 3-1.  Neither of us had the relic at the end, as my two remaining troop models were hiding behind some terrain to seal the point for linebreaker, and all of my opponent's infantry models were eliminated.

I spent time this week working on a Stormtalon, some terrain for the home table, and toughing up some paint on some older models.  I tried a technique using blue painters tape to help do checkerboard patterns in vehicles, which worked pretty well.

Fathers day was pretty cool -  my youngest Son had sent me a Taurox kit AND the Space Marines x-box game!   Sweet!

Now for a last tip - because you guys know I also am into craft / microbrew beer sampling - try the APP for your phone called Untappd.  Details are at:

It lets you keep track of what you drink, where to get great beers, what your friends have been tasting, and you can earn BADGES just for achieving certain drink tasting beering happy metrics!  Get it on your smartphone and give it a try!

Check back soon for hopefully MORE 40K goodness!

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