Wednesday, August 7, 2019

It has begin - Finally - Oh Wait?

I'm laughing and shaking my head simultaneously.

Ironically, I finally went to my local Warhammer store rather than my FLGS to purposefully purchase the Roboute Guilliman - Primarch of the Ultramarines model.  I did this because they had the kit ready for a quick purchase, and I was in the area for a quick dinner and meeting.

The model was originally released a few years ago, and I just never bothered.  I figured I could do well with my favored Ultramarines with a simple captain or Chapter Master Marneus Calgar (whom I'd purchased with his Victrix Honor Guard a few months ago). Frankly, since I think I've only seen the model twice - I thought it would be bigger! Big "Bobby G" is actually fairly small, and in reality, as my favorite painter to watch from "the Long War" has said - it is detail overload.

Last year I thought about purchasing the model and sending it out to be pro-painted. 

I'm painting this one myself. 

In watching some videos, there were three that stood out on w to do it, and all were worthy as an approach, or strategy, to get it done.

1. GW's thin your paint guy - he recommended assembling the model and then painting the whole model gold, using washes and highlights for the gold, then going back to paint in the blue armor and then final details and washes, etc.  There are great applications for this approach that would extend to Black legion models too. 

2. TLW's painter - he painted the model in parts, but started overall with air brushing and highlighting the blue armor first, then going back and painting the golds, then all of the other details. Then assembly.

3. Some nameless guy from the UK - he recommended assembly, priming and painting the model blue, and then using metallic sharpie brand MARKERS to do all the gold trim and silver metal highlights. Yes, permanent magic markers are available for bronze, silver, and gold.

Of course, the model itself comes with its own painting guide requiring about 20 different colors and washes...

My approach is a hybrid.  I assembled the model, backpack, and base, and then primed them separately.  Painted the gold and washed it.  Now I'm on to the blue phase with a tiny brush and thin paint.  Backpack is done, and I'm a third doe on the main body. Next will be gold touch-ups, then all the other details. I'm painting the detailed base separately, and will use some colors to tie in to my other existing Ultramarines. The most fun might be the dead Chaos Marine stomped in to the base.  Assembly onto the base will be last.  One thing I found with the base is that it had two flaming torches set on thin plastic poles.  I'm going to replace the poles with metal rod - the poles are so fragile they did not last the priming stage. I'm not going to use markers though...just brush work...

Overall, I expect OK results.  Not painting award quality, but OK.  Overall, I'm looking forward to getting it done!

NOW, to make things interesting, of course, is this week's notice from GW on the release of a new Space Marine Codex, Cards, and Ultramarines Supplement!  WOW! But what does that mean for list building?  All I can say is that I'm happy I did not make other purchases yet! Will Bobby G go up in points? Will regular old scouts and tactical marines be absent from the new books?  How deep will I need to dig in my pockets as I upgrade my marines to the modern era? I don't know, but it means I still have a few weeks to meet my goal of an updated list by month's end...

Leave a comment on the Chaos Marine Chapter to be the victim on Bobby G's base and I'll take it as your vote.  I was thinking Nurgle (commonly encountered in my local meta), but....

All for now,


See - you scrolled to the a reward, here are two shots of Ultramarines from a friend's miniatures display cabinet...dang....I might need to get a glass case next...of course, they are all second company...and very nice....

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