Monday, August 19, 2019

Yep, my worst gaming year is done

I've been tracking my 40K performance now for 9 years.  And yep, this was my worst year.  The number of games were down. The number of wins way down.  Just terrible. Blue or red, everything dead.

The blog pundits could have predicted it.  Blood Angels and Ultramarines have been less than ideal in the 8th Edition format.

My games and battle reports showed it.  I could hold my own or be looking for a win through three turns, and then bleed away any victory for the remainder of the game.  Several close finishes.  Just not enough staying power.  Usually I'd get into some basic stats and things to evaluate causality and such for my annual performance review.  I'm not going to do that this year.

Now, to the future!

Its almost like GW was waiting for me to finish the year! 

I have already acquired the NEW space marine codex, NEW Ultramarines supplement, and NEW Ultramarines cards. 

Maybe the winds are blowing for a change, and starting soon the new gaming year will charge off for better outcomes? 

I've already been playing Ultramarines per their Chapter special rules (+1 Ld, able to leave combat and shoot at -1 to hit). But now look at all of the other stuff coming! +1 A on the assault. Doctrines. Some points adjustments. Chaplains! All sorts of things that make all Space marines far deadlier. 

Imagine how the existing last Calgar list from my previous posts might work now? 

It will be pretty interesting.

If my opponents would just keep playing their existing favorite factions and lists...

All for now,


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